Registration Closed for Summer 2024 Virtual Parent and Family Orientation

Cover image for Summer 2024 Virtual Parent and Family Orientation

Registration Closed

We're sorry, but registration for this event is now closed.

Summer 2024 Virtual Parent and Family Orientation

We welcome and encourage all new Spartans parents and family members to attend our virtual Parent and Family Orientation to learn more about SJSU and how you can play a supportive role in helping your student succeed. Our virtual Parent and Family Orientation sessions include conversations about student academic success, public safety, health and wellness, and financial aid. This is a FREE experience for parents, families and supporters for incoming students.

After you complete your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with your zoom link and more.

Technical requirements needed to participate are Zoom, an internet connection and a device that has working audio. Please download Zoom software prior to the event. You may download Zoom here.

For more information please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page on the New Student and Family Programs website or contact us at or 408-924-5972.